Business Areas

Pet Supplies

PETCONOMY Pet Supplies Industry

As part of our "Pet Economy" business,
we provide products that contribute to enhancing the quality of life for pets.
With the launch of our "BluePet" brand, we approach pet care with the dedication of a family member, hoping to ensure a stable and comfortable life for our companion animals.

Every day together is a joyful companion life with BluePet.

We are committed to continuously improving the quality of life for pets.
As guardians, we provide a safe environment for our pets to live in,
and we offer the right products to protect their health.

We believe it is our important role to create an emotionally stable environment that allows pets to live happily.
We craft our products based on superior technology and with the integrity expected of something our families would use.

We will continue to advance our products to ensure they are safe and trustworthy for both guardians and their pets.
BluePet is committed to relentless efforts to ensure that both guardians
and their pets can enjoy a happy and healthy life every day.